
Mushiny Releases Revolutionary Product - Intelligent 3D Sorter

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Mushiny Releases Revolutionary Product - Intelligent 3D Sorter

Mushiny, a global leader in intelligent logistics automation systems, has launched a groundbreaking and highly efficient logistics sortation solution – the intelligent 3D Sorter.

The introduction of the intelligent3D Sorter tackles numerous challenges unmet by traditional methods of sorting and fulfilling orders, where operators manually allocate items to specific bins or compartments on a wall-like structure, or by other automated processes.

The Mushiny 3D Sorter allows operations to increase their batch or wave size dramatically without the need to manually sort orders via a putwall or any other means. By automating the put (picking) process, the 3D sorter compliments both manual operations and automated systems. Combining the 3D Sorter with existing Mushiny Robotic solutions improves the performance of each robot by substantially increasing the amount of orderlines picked per POD or tote presentation. As a result the 3D sorter basically pays for itself through the reduction of required robots in each solution.

The innovative contributions of the 3D Sorter to the industry are primarily evident in three aspects: elevated sorting efficiency, optimal ROI, and a high degree of flexibility. The enhancement in sorting efficiency is substantial, with peak efficiency surpassing 10,000 pph.

A typical use case would be a fashion company with an extensive product range (SKU count) adopting the 3D Sorter to accommodate a very large batch size to fulfill many orders concurrently. The picking density per SKU will increase dramatically, yielding a significant productivity gain over existing automated solutions, and many times that compared to manual operations. Robots will continuously transfer completed orders and buffer them if desirable prior to dispatching. The solution can process retail and e-commerce orders concurrently and can efficiently process returns.

About Mushiny Intelligence

Founded in 2016, Mushiny Intelligence is a world-leading expert in intelligent systems for logistics robots. At present, Mushiny has approximately 200 employees and operates across more than 20 developed countries and regions, with overseas markets making up 50% of its business.

Mushiny Intelligence is segmented into two business divisions: The Intelligent Warehousing Division offers clients bespoke intelligent intralogistics solutions and guarantees 60-day rapid delivery worldwide. The Standard Products Division specializes in customizing robot chassis, delivering a range of software and hardware services to partners and clients with development capabilities. Adhering to an "open, cooperative, win-win" business model, Mushiny Intelligence empowers global partners and users i

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